Name That Bin! New video clips reveal how to recycle correctly.

Name That Bin! New video clips reveal how to recycle correctly
Name That Bin! New video clips reveal how to recycle correctly

Waste management agency NetWaste has launched a new tool in the bid to reduce contamination in recycling bins across several of its 27 member council areas.

A new video clip series will feature on social media platforms aimed at helping inform residents on what items can and can’t go in their recycling bins.

“Communities within the NetWaste Region do a great job of recycling but we still can do better. Contamination in recycling bins is a problem and there are some common items that people put in the recycle bin that shouldn’t be there. Most people I talk with want to do the right thing but it can be confusing so hopefully these videos will help answer some of those questions about which bin”, said Environmental Learning Advisor Sue Clarke, “and we encourage you to ask questions via our NetWaste Facebook or Twitter Page. If you are unsure send us a message and let us know because if you are confused about an item, you can be sure someone else is as well”.

“With these new video clips, we’re hoping some of the crucial mistakes people make regarding their recyclables can be reduced and we can make a real difference to the volume of glass, cardboard and aluminium and steel waste items that we are sending to be recycled into new products.”

In the first of three videos of the fictional game show “Name that Bin” the contestant Jane is asked which bin should empty aerosol cans should be placed in.

Jane answers correctly by choosing the recycling bin, and she is also reminded that paper, cardboard, glass, tin, steel, juice cartons and plastic containers and bottles should go in the recycling bin – but with the lids off first.

“Everyone can be a ‘garbage guru’ if they watch the video clips and take in the tips on how we can make sure we choose the right bin every time,” said Ms Clarke.

“We believe the videos are a fun way of getting a serious message across – it shouldn’t feel like you’re under pressure on a quiz show to know which waste items should go in which bin. If residents can have a bit of a laugh while they’re watching the videos it may help the message stick – everyone’s a winner if we don’t contaminate our recyclables!”

The videos will be released via the NetWaste facebook and twitter accounts and can also be found at

The videos will coincide with the release of NetWaste’s Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to recycling.

The NetWaste Top Ten Recycling Tips – #10
  • DO recycle empty aerosol, steel (tin) and aluminium cans. Did you know currently only 35% of our steel cans are recycled in Australia?
  • DON’T place empty gas cylinders or metal coat hangers and broken aluminium chairs in the recycling bin. Check with your local council or use a Community Recycling Centre to dispose of gas cylinders

Media Contact: Sue Clarke 6393 8771 or 0400 336 508