Millthorpe wins first ever Village Waste Reduction Challenge!

The village of Millthorpe in the Blayney Shire has won the first grant under NetWaste’s Village Waste Reduction Challenge.

The $6000 grant has been awarded to a local committee to install a water bottle refilling station in Millthorpe as a way to reduce the number of empty water bottles going into landfill.

Designs are currently being drawn up for the station and the committee is looking for the right spot in town to maximise usage.

“I’ve been noticing water refilling stations at Sydney, the beach and other tourist spots,” said the committee’s Lyndall Harrison.

“Millthorpe gets a lot of visitors including cyclists and walkers who are needing water. With our own refilling station we can offer them a way of reusing their own bottles and getting fresh water at the same time.”

We’ll keep you updated about the progress of the water refilling station, so watch this space!